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Violent Protests Mark Summit

More than 1,000 demonstrators protesting President Bush's policies clashed with police, shattered storefronts and torched businesses Friday, marring the inauguration of the Summit of the Americas as leaders began debating the creation of one of the world's largest free trade zones.

The violence reflected the ongoing worldwide debate on free trade as the United States and Mexico pushed to relaunch talks on creating a free trade area stretching from Canada to Chile. Past summits on free trade — including last year's summit of Asian-Pacific leaders in Chile — have drawn bitter opposition and similar angry protests.

The trade zone would rival the European Union as the world's largest, but its creation has been stalled for years amid bickering over U.S. farm subsidies and other obstacles.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez emerged as the most strident opponent of the plan, addressing more than 10,000 protesters hours before the inauguration of the fourth Summit of the Americas in this normally tranquil seaside resort.

He vowed to defeat the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA, once and for all, saying at the summit's inauguration: "For me, the FTAA is dead."

CBS News chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports that Chavez has been angry since what he saw as a U.S.-backed attempt to remove him from power in 2002. Since then, he has positioned himself as an effective counterweight to Mr. Bush in this region – spending billions of Venezuela's oil wealth to win friends and influence people.

Chavez wants to bury the president's dream of a free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina and – it seems – just generally annoy him. This week, Chavez threatened to give Venezuela's American-made F-16s to Cuba and China – so they could have a good look inside, Roberts reports.

Hours earlier, speaking before a six-story banner of revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Chavez urged the throng — including soccer great Diego Maradona and Bolivian presidential hopeful Evo Morales — to help him fight free trade.

"Only united can we defeat imperialism and bring our people a better life," he said, adding: "Here, in Mar del Plata, FTAA will be buried!"

Before Chavez's speech, demonstrators flooded the streets, shouting "Fascist Bush! You are the terrorist!"

Mexican President Vicente Fox said the FTAA proposal would move forward anyway because 29 of the 34 nations taking part in the summit were considering cobbling together their own FTAA — minus opponents like Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The anti-American protests that began in Argentina also spread to the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo, where protesters chanted anti-Bush slogans while attacking banks and shops.

Thomas Shannon, the new assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, said he wasn't aware of Fox's plan, but that "there is significant support within the region for economic integration and for a Free Trade Area of the Americas."

Argentine President Nestor Kirchner was critical of the United States during the summit, saying Latin America will no longer tolerate American meddling. He acknowledged the United States is the world's undisputed superpower, but said past American policy toward the region "not only generated misery and poverty but also a great social tragedy that added to institutional instability in the region, provoking the fall of democratically elected governments."

As leaders inaugurated the two-day summit to work out their differences on free trade, a smaller group of protesters threatened a barricade of riot police, prompting authorities to fire tear gas into the crowd.

The protesters, armed with large wooden clubs, began smashing storefront windows and setting at least one bank on fire just outside the gated summit security zone. One restaurant with anti-Bush posters plastered across its windows was untouched.

Car sirens wailed as residents — including elderly people and children — fled as protesters launched rocks with slingshots and threw sharpened sticks at police. They also set fire to U.S. flags, using them as fuel for bonfires.

More than 50 people were detained, police said. It was unclear if there were injuries.

Security is tight in Mar del Plata, CBS News correspondent Thalia Assuras reports. The resort city of 600,000 is mostly a ghost town as a result of a huge lockdown. Some 7,500 police patrol fenced-off streets, some in riot gear. Men in uniform outnumber sunbathers on the prime beaches while special forces scour the waters.

Ramon Madrid, a hotel manager, hurriedly closed up.

"I don't like Bush, but this is too much. There is no need for violence," Madrid said.

Top-level negotiators at the summit have so far failed to agree on key language aimed at relaunching talks as soon as April for the proposed FTAA — an ambitious proposal originally raised in 1994 at the first Americas summit in Miami.

Chavez and protesters argue that free trade is being forced on Latin American countries. He has instead pushed for an anti-FTAA deal based on socialist ideals and has used Venezuela's oil wealth to push for regional solidarity, offering fuel with preferential financing to various Caribbean and Latin American countries.

Venezuela is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and is the world's fifth largest oil exporter as well as a major supplier to the U.S. market.

Chavez has claimed the United States is trying to overthrow his government, something the U.S. denies.

Joking about his rivalry with Mr. Bush, the Venezuelan president has said he might try to sneak up and scare the U.S. president during the summit.

When asked how he would react to a close encounter with Chavez, Mr. Bush said he would be polite.

"That's what the American people expect their president to do, is to be a polite person," he said. "And if I run across him, I will do just that."

Mr. Bush's trip comes as he faces the lowest job approval ratings of his presidency back home.

After meeting with Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, Mr. Bush made no mention of free trade but said the two had a frank talk about Argentina's struggle to extricate itself from its financial meltdown.

Kirchner led a difficult renegotiation of more than $100 billion in public debt that was the largest sovereign default in history.

"The president was quite frank," Mr. Bush said.

Some 40 percent of Argentina's 36 million people remain in poverty, and many blame trade liberalization for destroying local industries and causing a flood of cheap imports.

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