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U.S. Warns Time's Almost Up For Iraq

The Bush administration moved steadily Monday toward a military showdown with Iraq and suggested a decision could come as early as next week after U.N. inspectors credited Iraq with only limited cooperation in the search for weapons.

President Bush and his senior advisers refused to tip their hand on when the United States might go to war to force Iraq to disarm. But Secretary of State Colin Powell set out a scenario to bring the tug-of-war with President Saddam Hussein to a conclusion.

"What we can't do is just keep kicking the can down the road in the absence of a change in policy and attitude" in Baghdad, Powell said at a State Department news conference, even though he acquiesced to additional U.N. inspections.

"We will have our discussions and consultations this week, and then we will announce next steps at an appropriate time," he said.

Powell said Saddam Hussein has "not much more time" to comply if he wants to avoid war.

"Iraq's refusal to disarm in compliance with Resolution 1441 still threatens international peace and security," he said.

National Security Correspondent David Martin reports the Bush administration has gathered what it says is new evidence it hopes will help convert the doubters:

  • The National Security Agency has reportedly eavesdropped on Iraqis talking about hiding material from the inspectors at the same time they are cooperating with them, although officials say it's not always clear exactly what it is the Iraqis are hiding.
  • U.S. officials say they also have evidence Iraq is harboring members of al Qaeda. One senior leader lost a leg to U.S. bombing in Afghanistan and received medical treatment in Baghdad. He then went to northeastern Iraq and joined a group that has links to al Qaeda and is suspected of having provided the deadly biological agent ricin to alleged terrorists recently arrested in London.
  • Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix has said Iraq is importing parts for a missile called the al Samoud, which has a range greater than the permitted 150 kilometers.

    A senior U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said President Bush was not expected to unveil any new evidence in Tuesday's State of the Union address, although he will outline the case against Saddam.

    The Pentagon, meanwhile, pushed ahead with war preparations that would position more than 150,000 troops and four aircraft carrier battle groups, each with more than 70 warplanes, in the Persian Gulf region by the end of February.

    In a significant step, the Pentagon concluded an arrangement with the Turkish government to permit up to 20,000 U.S. troops to use bases in Turkey for a potential ground invasion into northern Iraq, a senior Defense Department official said. Turkey, a valued ally in the 1991 U.S.-led war with Iraq to liberate Kuwait, had taken an ambivalent stance this time.

    The administration's strategy calls for agreement to possibly a few more weeks of inspections as Powell, U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte and other American diplomats lobby the 14 other members of the Security Council to implement the "serious consequences" the Council threatened Iraq with in November.

    Germany is dead-set against going to war. France, Russia and others are skeptical that a case for war has been made.

    Mr. Bush will try to prepare the nation for war in his State of the Union address Tuesday night, but will withhold announcement of any decision on an attack that many members of Congress oppose and polls show does not have the support of a majority of the American people.

    On Capitol Hill, Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of Iowa said Monday, "If we have proof of nuclear and biological weapons, why don't we show that proof to the world — as President Kennedy did 40 years ago when he sent Adlai Stevenson to the United Nations to show the world U.S. photographs of offensive missiles in Cuba?"

    Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, urged, "Let's exhaust every diplomatic remedy before we send our troops."

    Top Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee, Reps. Ike Skelton of Missouri and John M. Spratt Jr. of South Carolina, asked Mr. Bush in a letter to continue the U.N. arms search "so long as it holds reasonable promise of success" and might build allied support.

    With anxious U.S. allies also intensifying their demands for proof that Saddam possesses weapons of mass destruction, Powell acknowledged "there are disagreements."

    "There are some who are satisfied with passive cooperation at this point," he said.

    But the U.N. resolution unanimously approved last November was not about "passive cooperation," and chief U.N. weapons inspector Blix on Monday "made it rather clear that he is not getting the kind of cooperation, and Iraq has not made the fundamental choice it has to make that it is going to be disarmed," Powell said.

    And so, he said, "we are getting closer and closer to the point where the Security Council is going to have to look at the options that it anticipated."

    The harsh assessment Blix offered on Monday may be rooted in his past experiences with Iraq, according to former U.N. weapons inspector and CBS News Analyst Steve Black.

    "We have to look back to the late 1980s when Hans Blix was in charge of the International Atomic Energy Agency," he said, "which had failed to identify the Iraqi nuclear weapons program in the 80s, and I think he’s being presented, possibly, with this evidence of ongoing concealment in Iraq and he doesn’t want to be fooled twice."

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