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U.S. Psych Bombs Aimed At Iraqi Minds

You cannot hear the explosions, but as CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports, the United States has been bombing Iraq for months.

In a warehouse at Ft. Bragg, Col. David Baker and his psychological operations team have already printed, stuffed and dropped more than 3 million leaflets aimed at the minds of Iraqis.

One tells workers not to repair air defense systems and warns of the suffering to expect if they do.

They say the U.S. can hit a specific neighborhood from 50,000 feet.

"We can calculate exactly where the leaflets need to be dropped to fall and land on that target," says Baker.

Psy Op is the Iraq campaign being waged with no U.N. debate. The major theme is that Saddam is a tyrant. Artist Brett Karpowitz, who draws Saddam for the leaflets was ordered to portray him just right.

Flipping through some of his sketches of the Iraqi leader, Karpowitz showed us one depiction that was rejected.

"I drew him kind of chunky, and uh, he seemed too powerful," he says.

More than half of the leaflets dropped on Iraq so far are advertisements for a radio broadcast: Tune into these frequencies at night and the U.S Army presents, Radio Iraq.

The broadcasts, which are also made at Ft Bragg combine music with pointed political commentary.

Saddam, one broadcast says, "spends on himself in one day what it takes to feed your family for a year."

Former CIA officer Michael Vickers says the U.S. strategy is focused on Baghdad: 5 million people, including Army and civilian.

Vickers says the PsyOP campaign seeks, "To take away that last stand for Saddam - for soldiers to stay in their barracks, refuse orders, for civilians to stay in their apartments."

On Wednesday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced a new program.

"Starting today the department of defense will be broadcasting the Pentagon weekly press briefing to the Iraqi people," Rumsfeld announced Tuesday.

Success in psychological war is measured by the shots not fired. Just as in the Gulf War, when Iraqis got airdropped instructions for how to surrender.

The intent once again is to save lives - both Iraqi and American.

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