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U.S. Accepts Iran's Offer for Talks

The Obama administration says it and five partner nations have accepted Iran's offer to hold talks, and a top Iranian official said Saturday it was possible the discussions could include Tehran's nuclear program.

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said he welcomed talks with the U.S. and its partners, adding that "should conditions be ripe, there is a possibility of talks about the nuclear issue."

Mottaki's statement appeared to be a reversal of Iran's consistent refusal to discuss its nuclear program and a significant step up from its proposal earlier in the week when Tehran said it was willing to talk, but not about its nuclear ambitions.

On Friday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters that although Iran's initial proposal for international talks presented on Wednesday was disappointing for sidestepping the nuclear issue, it represented a chance to begin a direct dialogue.

"We are seeking a meeting now based on the Iranian paper to see what Iran is prepared to do," Crowley said. "And then, as the president has said, you know, if Iran responds to our interest in a meeting, we'll see when that can occur. We hope that will occur as soon as possible."

Such a meeting could lessen immediate pressure on President Barack Obama to abandon his diplomatic outreach to Tehran, which has yet to yield concrete results. Mr. Obama said in July that Iran should show a willingness to negotiate limits on its nuclear program by September or face consequences.

Crowley stressed that the U.S. and its negotiating partners agree they must keep pressure on Iran while also seeking talks.

"Now we are willing to meet with Iran. We hope to meet with Iran," Crowley said. "We want to see serious engagement on the nuclear issue, in particular."

He added, "We are willing to address any other issues that they want to bring to the table. But, clearly, if Iran refuses to negotiate seriously, we - the United States and the international community and the Security Council - can draw conclusions from that. And then based on that, we'll make some judgments in the future."

In its proposal, Iran ignored a demand by the six world powers - the U.S., Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany - for a freeze of its uranium enrichment, which is suspected of leading to production of a nuclear weapon. Iran insists that its nuclear work is strictly for peaceful nonmilitary purposes.

Iran pronounced itself ready to "embark on comprehensive, all-encompassing and constructive negotiations."

On Monday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country will neither halt uranium enrichment nor negotiate over its nuclear rights but is ready to sit and talk with world powers over "global challenges."

The decision to take up Iran's offer was communicated publicly Friday in Brussels, Belgium, by Javier Solana, the European Union foreign policy chief who is an intermediary for the six powers. They represent the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany.

Crowley said there is no assumption that new talks with Iran will be productive. But the proposal made Wednesday by the Iranian government indicated at least a new willingness to engage diplomatically, he said.

"There's language in the letter that simply says the government of Iran is willing to enter into dialogue," the spokesman said. "We are going to test that proposition, OK? And if Iran is willing to enter into serious negotiations, then they will find a willing participant in the United States and the other (partner) countries.

"If Iran dissembles in the future, as it has in the past, then we will draw conclusions from that," he said.

The Obama administration has expressed interest in discussing numerous other issues with Iran, including cooperation in stabilizing two Iranian neighbors - Afghanistan and Iraq - as well as alleged Iranian support for terrorist groups.
By AP National Security Writer Robert Burns

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