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Turkish protesters say they fight PM's strict Islamic views

(CBS News) ISTANBUL - Turkey's prime minister said Sunday his country's financial markets are under attack. Tayyip Erdogan blamed speculators reacting to a tenth day of fierce nationwide protests against his government.

In the Turkish capital, Ankara, protestors again clashed with the police on Sunday. The authorities have used tactics that many here criticize as heavy handed.

But at other times the demonstrations have looked like a carnival.

They began in Istanbul over the planned destruction of a city park to build a shopping mall. The crowds have occupied the park -- and are in a victorious mood.

Many here now say they've taken to the streets to safeguard Turkey's democracy.

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They believe Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is behaving like a dictator, wanting to impose his more conservative Islamic views on Turkey.

Those fears were flamed when Erdogan's government recently moved to restrict the sale of alcohol. The freedom to drink has become a theme of the protest.

Anger with the prime minister has unified Turks who normally can't see eye-to-eye, including soccer fans from rival teams. They're calling for Erdogan to resign.

"Now it's about our country, our freedom," one fan said. "So we are all together."

Democratically elected three times, the prime minister is still popular with many Turks, and he has vowed to "teach the protestors a lesson" in elections again next year.

Speaking to a crowd of thousands of supporters Sunday, Erdogan said he would be patient with those demonstrating against him, but that his patience has limits.

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