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Tossing America's "Security Blanket"

This column was written by CBS News Early Show Co-Anchor Harry Smith.

This isn't going to be easy. President Obama signed the order to close Guantanamo and said quite emphatically that the United States' use of harsh interrogation techniques is done.

Already there is blowback. Part of what I call the "Real Bush Doctrine" is the philosophy that the U.S. will do whatever it takes to keep the country safe. Whatever it takes.

Obama said many times during the campaign that trading values for safety was a bad bargain and he acted on that on Day 2 in the White House.

America has not been attacked since 9/11, the Bush folks will say - and that itself justifies the procedures. Folks who know say the tactics don't really work - tortured prisoners will tell you whatever they think you want to hear.

Torture has been America's security blanket. President Obama believes that tattered old thing should be thrown out. We'll see how we do without it.

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