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Tim Johnson Speaks From Experience On Kennedy Illness

Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.), who suffered a brain hemorrhage in December 2006, has released a statement about Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's health situation:

"This is a difficult time for any family and brings back memories for my own family and me,"
Johnson said in a statement. "Ted is a friend and was source of support during my recovery. There is no doubt that he is a strong man and a fighter. As we wait for more information, our thoughts and prayers are with him, Vicki and the entire family. I look forward to being back on the Senate floor with him very soon."

Johnson's situation was much more dire than Kennedy's appears to be at this point, and Johnson's long hospitalization led to speculation about whether he would resign from the Senate and throw the balance of power back to Republicans in the evenly split chamber. Johnson has since recovered, but is still confined to a wheelchair.

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