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This Season, Voting Is In Style

Many states are seeing a record rush to register to vote this year, CBS News correspondent Gretchen Carlson reports, due in part to some of the most bizarre ways eligible voters are being courted.

New York City hair stylist Tommy Wright is encouraging young, single women (largely absent in the 2000 presidential election) to register.

"It's something they can do while their color is processing," he says.

Some 2,000 salons in 42 states are netting new voters in the program that reminds voters they can "shape the Oval office."

"We have voter registration cards. We have the emery boards.We have just been talking to our clients about it, " Wright says.

Voting is also the newst rap of hip-hop star P. Diddy Combs, formerly known as Puff Daddy. His get-out-the-vote campaign targets the 18- to 25-year-old set with famous faces and a not-so-subtle message: Vote or Die!

One of the more surprising ways to get young men more interested in registering to vote is taking place at the Deju Vu adult club in Tampa, Fla., where going to the polls is taking on a whole new meaning. More than 100,000 strip club patrons have been registered in a nonpartisan campaign spearheaded by club owner Angelina Spencer.

"I'm just trying to make a dent in the political process in my own little corner of the world," she says.

Professor Merrill Skaggs' approach is a bit more modest. Voting is a requirement in her classes at Drew University in New Jersey. And she says no one has ever dropped out because of that requirement.

"I think what my students have already gained is how extremely important voting is in the minds of a lot of people," she says.

Election experts agree the registration surge could result in the largest voter turnout in a decade. Whether those new voters remain engaged in the political process beyond Nov. 2 isn't as cut and dried.

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