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This is Why You're Fat - Just in Time for The Holidays!

(CBS) is one of those simple yet viral blogs whose pictures might make you cringe, and yet you can't help but pass them on to friends and wonder to yourself, "Duh, why didn't I think of that?" As you can judge by the nature of the title, the site features the worst and most creative heart attack and calorie worthy recipes you can imagine. I'm not talking about waffles and fried chicken.

That would be child's play. How about a hot beef sundae? Yeah, I've never tackled that myself, but it does not sound healthy. Launched in February by Jessica Amason and Richard Blakeley, the site hit "big" overnight. By early April, they already had a book deal and now as I write this post, the book is in my hands. How's that for a quick turnover?

I spoke to Blakeley about why people keep coming back for more "This is Why You're Fat." Check out my video blog below.

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The book features the site's craziest treats, local favorites and exclusives - including Blakeley's favorite, Cadbury Egg Nog, which seems perfect for the holidays:

By: Seth Porges

10 Cadbury Créme Eggs, ¾ Cup Sugar, 3 cups whole Milk, 1 cup bourbon, ½ cup brandy, 1 tsp ground nutmeg, 1 cup heavy cream

Scoop the filling out of the Cadbury Crème Eggs into a bowl. Beat the fillings together with sugar. Add whole milk, bourbon, and brandy and stir in ground nutmeg. In another bowl, whip cream until stiff. Pour the cream into the filling mixture. Gently stir. Ladle into glasses and garnish with nutmeg and Cadbury Egg shell.

You can indulge in the blog and book and submit your own creation at Wait! I've got one final ingredient to top off this post. Here's Blakeley's recipe for a successful blog. (My apologies - puns are just way too much fun not to use here.)

1) Don't put your name on it, or else it becomes too self promotional.

2) Edit content as much as possible.

3) Have a professional domain name. The URL should have
the .blogspot, .tumblr, etc- straight .com is the way to go.

4) Make sure the site is complete before you launch it. No empty pages!

5) If it's not ready, don't post it.

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