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The Ron Paul Revolution Comes To An End

This story was written by Miriam Williamson, The Pendulum

When Ron Pauls name showed up on the list of potential Republican presidential nominees, grassroots efforts sprung up across the nation supporting the Republican Congressman from Texas and his Revolution campaign.

Some of these supporters were long-time fans of Paul, while others were simply intrigued by his ideas and campaign.

He was running on the ticket before I even knew who he was, junior Vince Barrett said. I guess I kind of got suckered in by the YouTube videos, and I just had immediate interest. I started reading a lot and got really into it.

Although he was running for the Republican nomination, Paul has different ideas and policies than many modern-day Republicans.

Instead, Paul claims to follow the more traditional, fundamental Republican ideals.

I consider myself a Republican, but I dont want to associate with the current administration, Barrett said. The Republican party doesnt follow the principles they preach.

One of Pauls most well-known ideas is his advocacy for limited federal government control.

He also backs freedom principles, which support the rights of individuals.

For some, Pauls ideas made him the only viable choice, even though his name did not make the ballot.

Hes the only person I could trust to vote for, Barrett said. He says the same thing no matter where he goes. Im not going to vote for Obama or McCain because they demonstrate a complete lack of understanding for the issues we face.

Pauls consistency is a strong factor in many of his supporters faith in him.

I read his articles and saw how consistent he was, even when it wasnt popular, Cameron DeJong, an Elon alum and Paul supporter since 1996, said.

He is truly devoted and much of what he said then and just during the presidential campaign is showing true. He has stuck to his principles, regardless of popularity, and that is to be commended.

His differences from mainstream Republicans led many to deem him a third-party candidate, but Paul refused to run as such.

Ron Paul said that if he didnt win the primary, he wasnt going to run anymore, so I saw it coming, Barrett said. Of course it was disappointing, but I was following it very closely so I knew the indications.

Since Pauls name wont be on the ballot come Nov. 4, his supporters must choose otherwise.

Most Ron Paul supporters will either vote for Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr or they wont vote at all, DeJong said. Some of those who may not vote will write in Ron Pauls name.

Barrett will be writing in a candidate, but it will not be his initial choice.

Im actually voting for Hunter Bacot, Barrett said. He asked for my vote, and Im giving it to him. I just figured itd be kind of funny to vote for him.

Barrett said that although he will not be casting a serious vote for president, he will be supporting Pauls ideals by voting for libertarians on the rest of the ballot.

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