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The Predictable Pundits

(CBS/The Early Show)
It appears there is indeed a reason why University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato appears, um, everywhere whenever elections are flooding the airwaves. Of the 90 gazillion pundits who attempt to predict the future before every election, the Project for Excellence in Journalism took a gander at 10 pre-election predictions among a few of the more "notable campaign watchers," to figure out who hit the targets that they squawked about on "The Situation Room" for six months. And Sabato won the day: "his projection for the new House—232 Democrats and 203 Republicans—is very close to what could be the final tally," a prediction that "some students at Montgomery Blair High School matched," says PEJ. They've even got a handy bar graph charting Sabato's successful calls as well as those of the pundits who lagged behind.
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