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The Mario Mystery On 'Idol'

After singing his way into the hearts of millions, "American Idol" contestent Mario Vazquez abruptly quit the talent show in what is being called being called the Mario Mystery.

Kevin Frazier of "Entertainment Tonight" offers The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen some reasons why the Bronx- born singer who wowed the "American Idol" judges simply walked away as the contest went into the final rounds.

"First off, I'd like to say it was a very, very hard decision," Vazquez says. "I just needed to really focus in some personal areas in my life and for me that meant that I couldn't continue on in the 'American Idol' competition."

It's a stunning turn of events that no one could have predicted.

On the show, judge Simon Cowell said, "You're the top of the show. It's a hard place to be."

Charming and charismatic, Mario Vazquez was considered by many to be the "American Idol" front-runner. Then, without warning, Vazquez shocked the "Idol" faithful by walking away from the highest-rated competition in America.

Vazquez's vague explanation spurred rumors that he has skeletons in his closet or is unhappy with contract requirements.

Vazquez says, "I'm not gonna comment on things such as that. This is a personal thing, and I'd like to keep it like that, and I hope the fans, I know they're disappointed, but I hope they can respect that."

And while "Idol" fans remain in the dark, executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwickare are in the loop, saying they promised Vazquez not to reaveal the reasons.

But "American Idol" judge Paula Abdul thinks Vasquez needs to come clean.

She says, "Mario doesn't realize that so many people, so many fans adore him, and they're getting frustrated. They want to have an answer."

And judge Randy Jackson adds, "I think it would be very bad for the top 12 if you weren't in it."

While the show goes on without him, Vazquez spoofed himself by appearing on "The Late Show With David Letterman."

Vazquez, making fun, did not finish reading the "Top Ten Reasons I Quit American Idol."

He said, "Reason number four. Screw it -- I'm quitting this, too." And he walked off the set.

Seriously, Vazquez says, "With the little privacy that I do have, I'm just trying to keep it that way."

Vasquez claims he's listening to his gut; that it's his intuition, telling him this just isn't the time to be doing "American Idol."

Interestingly, he says wants his privacy but he seems to be getting more publicity than ever, now that he's out.

Does this sound like a guy who's trying to guard his privacy or someone pulling a publicity stunt? Frazier wonders. Find out more on "Entertainment Tonight."

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