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The line for "In-N-Out Burger" goes on forever (and the wait never ends)

(CBS) - Some of you may recognize the clever headline play I did there if you've ever listened to some Robert Earl Keen Jr. (or hail from Texas like yours truly). If not, though, don't worry because it is extremely accurate in describing the above video for the grand opening of an In-N-Out Burger in Texas.  Watch and see what I mean.

The legendary In-And-Out Burger franchise that everyone (and their cousins) appears to be waiting for is a newly opened one in Allen, TX, which is a town just outside of Dallas/Fort Worth.

Do I love me some In-N-Out Burger? You know it! Would I wait in that insane line just so I could say I got some on the opening day?  Uh, I think I'm okay with saying I ate an In-And-Out Burger on the second day instead...

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