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Teens And Alcohol: Links

The Web has an enormous amount of information about alcohol abuse and kids. Here are a few sites that will get you started.

Preventing Alcohol Abuse on College Campuses : This site offers a wealth of information. You'll find a wealth of alarming facts, including this one: A recent study found that 41 percent of college students surveyed reported binge drinking in the last two weeks.

Common Sense: You won't find diatribes against British oppression here, but helpful information from the PTA on how to raise your kids so they won't use drugs or alcohol. You'll find more worrisome statistics, (among teens, annual use of hard liquor rose from 50 percent in 1996 to 52 percent in 1997), and advice on how to handle the tough questions your children will probably ask you.

Alateen: This organization, which is part of Alcoholics Anonymous, is aimed at teens who are having trouble with alcohol, or know someone who is having trouble with alcohol. Read about the method of treatment, including the 12 Steps, and find a group in your area.

Driving Under The Influence : Here you'll find everything you need to know about drinking and driving, a topic that is especially relevant to new drivers who may not have total command of their vehicles even when dead sober. Find out why your brain turns to mush and your reactions to molasses when you drink too much alcohol.

Binge!: Home

Written by David Kohn

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