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Tea Party "Uni-Tea" Race Summit Follows NAACP Flap

People attend a tea party protest in Washington, Thursday, April 15, 2010. AP

In the wake of the NAACP's passage of a resolution condemning racism in the Tea Party movement, a Tea Party group is holding a "Uni-Tea" convention celebrating the diversity of the movement.

The event will be held in Philadelphia on July 31st, and will feature a number of African-American speakers as well as white Tea Party favorites like Andrew Breitbart, according to the "Uni-Tea" website.

The slogan for the event, to be held at the Independence Mall and include live bands, is "United Tea Party For All Communities."

As NewsCore reports, TeaParty365 co-founder David Webb cast the event as a sequel to President Obama's "beer summit"last summer in the wake of the arrest of African-American professor Henry Lewis Gates, Jr. by a white Cambridge police officer.

Webb, who is African American, condemned what he called the NAACP's "selective racism" on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday.

He complained that NAACP President Benjamin Jealous "will not condemn the New Black Panther Party for saying that they want to kill crackers and kill cracker babies, whereas he would condemn the KKK or any element that shows up . . . and claims that they are a part of the Tea Party."

In the wake of the NAACP resolution, Sarah Palin wrote that "the charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand."

Among the scheduled speakers at the "Uni-Tea" convention are Webb, HipHopRepublican Political Commentator Leette Eaton-White and Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli.

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