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Steve Jobs action figure resembles the late Apple founder

Promotional image of a Steve Jobs action figure by In Icons. In Icons

(CBS) It's only been three months since the death of Steve Jobs, and the Apple founder is already being immortalized as an action figure.

Pictures: Steve Jobs: 1955 - 2011

Promotional photos find the collectible doll dressed in the late Jobs' signature black turtleneck, jeans and glasses.

According to the website of the Chinese manufacturer In Icons, the 12-inch figurine features "One realistic head sculpt & Two pairs of glasses," "One pair of black socks & sneaker" and "Two apples (One with a bite.)

In Icons will start shipping the $109.99 action figure in February.

This isn't the first Steve Jobs action figure to surface. PC magazine points out that about a year ago, Apple killed plans for another Jobs figurine created by the company M.I.C. Gadget. Apple argued that it was a violation of its copyrights and trademarks.

Tell us: Is it time to put out a Steve Jobs action figure, or is it too soon?

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