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Special Report: Runaway Jet

Golf champion Payne Stewart was killed Monday, apparently before the Learjet in which he was traveling plunged to the earth with nobody at the controls. Here is an index of's coverage of the story.

Investigators have returned to the site where the jet carrying golf champion Payne Stewart nose-dived into a field, CBS News Correspondents report. The case is complicated by its unusual circumstances.launch video
There was more to Payne Stewart than flashy golf clothes and equally flashy game. CBS News Correspondent Richard Schlesinger reports on the man.launch video

Payne Stewart's notorious patriotism didn't stop him from becoming a favorite of European fans and golfers. At British golf courses, the flags are flying at half-staff.

As practice began at the Tour Championship in Houston, players and fans were stunned by the news of Payne Stewart's death in a plane crash. launch video

Payne Stewart's wife, Tracey Ferguson, followed TV reports as her husband's plane flew hundreds of miles off course, according to her brother.
The popular business plane comes equipped with an emergency oxygen system with drop-down masks for the crew and passengers, and a depressurization warning system. CBS News Correspondents report. launch video

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