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Sotomayor Questionnaire Goes To Hill

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
The White House announced today that plans to deliver Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor's questionnaire to the Senate Judiciary Committee at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time this afternoon.

As the White House notes in a press release, it is being delivered "just" nine days after Sotomayor was nominated.

"For context, this is the swiftest questionnaire completion in recent history," the White House said. "Based on the time between a nominee's designation and when they returned their questionnaire, it took Chief Justice Roberts 13 days, Justice Ginsburg 15 days and Justice Alito 30 days to complete their questionnaires."

The delivery comes as Sotomayor spends her third straight day on Capitol Hill meeting with senators. Among those she is meeting with today are Arlen Specter, Charles Schumer, Susan Collins, Barbara Boxer and John Cornyn.

In the questionnaire and attached documents, Sotomayor offers personal and financial details as well as speeches, unpublished rulings, writings, and information about possible conflicts of interest. Senate staffers will pour over the information for evidence on which to base either support for the nominee or objections to her ability to rule fairly.

The Judiciary Committee says it will post much of the information online.

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