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Software Makes the Grade

DK Interactive Learning is out with its new line of grade based
programs called Smart Steps.

"Which is from K to 5, six titles, one per grade. And it's a grade suite so we offer literacy in math, science, social studies, hundreds of activities on each CD to help children in school and in home."
DK Interactive Learning's Mark Stollar. The company is part of a British based publisher that has been urning out great educational books and software for years. For first through fourth graders, another new title is My First Amazing Science Explorer...

"This title is the third title in a series, World Explorer 2.0 and History Explorer and what this does is it helps to answer all the tricky questions that children ask. Why is the grass green or why does water flow downhill. And it's a resource for parents too because when they're asked these questions, rather than looking dumbfounded, they can go to the program with the child and look up the answers."
For older kids, seven through eleven, there are the I Love Math and I Love Science programs.
All of the titles sell for under thirty dollars. You can find more information on the web at

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