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'Singing' Dog Has Bronx Couple Facing Eviction

'Singing' Dog Has Bronx Couple Facing Eviction
Generic Maltese Photo (Wikipedia/Anyquestions)

NEW YORK (CBS) A couple in the Bronx neighborhood of Riverdale is facing eviction from their co-op apartment after neighbors complained about their daughter's "singing" dog, saying it violates the building's no-pets policy, reports the New York Daily News.

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The paper says that Rita and Murray Hyman's Maltese Rocky howls along with Rita when she sings. 

Rita Hyman told the paper that she considers Rocky her therapy dog, and says that the pooch gave her "a whole different outlook on life" and kept her going after a car accident in 2003 left her disabled.

"Who will I sing with?" she asked.

According to the paper, Rita's daughter started bringing Rocky for daylong visits with her mother more than three years ago. The management at the Bonnie House co-op claimed the Hymans were breaking the no-pets policy; the Hymans countered that since the dog was only visiting, they weren't.

The fight wound up in Bronx Housing court and an appeals court sided with the building management saying that the Hymans could be evicted, reports the News.

The Hymans told the paper that Rocky will keep visiting until their case reaches a final resolution.

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