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Simpson And Browns Agree On Kids

O.J. Simpson has worked out a custody arrangement with the parents of his slain ex-wife Nicole.

After a plea from her grandchildren, Juditha Brown agreed to allow O.J. Simpson move to Florida with his kids. Simpson is expected to move later this month with Sydney, 14, and Justin, 12 - who have spent two months with the Browns this summer. Simpson urged their grandmother to let them go with him, said Jonathan Burrington, a private investigator and spokesman for the Browns.

"The children said to their grandmother, 'I want to be with my father,'" Burrington said.

Although the five-year custody battle seems to have ended and Simpson continues to have physical custody of the children, Juditha Brown retains legal guardianship and she could take Simpson back to court if problems arise, the Orange County Register reported Saturday.

"It signals a truce for the time being," Burrington said. "The Browns are going to allow the children to go to Florida and play it by ear."

The children will visit the Browns during the summer and some holidays. Simpson, 53, has said he has many friends in Florida, likes to play golf there and feels it will represent a new start for him and his family. He has consistently refused to comment on the case involving his children.

Marjorie Fuller, the children's former court-appointed attorney, confirmed Saturday that a settlement was reached, but said it was confidential.

"The Browns and Mr. Simpson for the best interest of the kids worked very cooperatively to make sure this thing was over," Fuller said. Simpson was acquitted of murder in a criminal trial but was found liable for the 1994 deaths of his ex-wife and Ronald Goldman in a subsequent civil trial. He was ordered to pay the victims' families $33.5 million.

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