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S.F. Urinal Sculptor Flush with Success

It's not unusual to have some art in the bathroom, but for some, the art is actually the toilet, reports CBS station KPIX in San Francisco.

Sculptor Clark Sorensen meticulously molds clay that will become beautiful works of art. Then he flushes them down the toilet. Sorensen is a urinal artist. He produces handmade, homemade pieces in his San Francisco Mission district studio/garage.

"It started kind of as a joke," said Sorensen. "I was working in porcelain, and I thought, 'what can I do with a urinal?'"

He has produced orchids, lilies, morning glories, and made a political statement or two. The urinals cost $6,000-$8,000. That's a lot of money for something you do your business in, but people are buying. Sorensen sells pieces around the world, not so much in the United States.

"The U.S. might be a little uptight compared to Europe. I think you have to have a good sense of humor. I don't know why. That's my theory," said Sorensen.

He also has a whole line of sinks. At the moment he's flush with success.

See some of his works here.

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