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Seniors Wired For Love

For the longest time, the only man in Gaye McGann's life was 6-year-old grandson, Cameron, until one man entered the picture via

As CBS News Correspondent Thalia Assuras reports, what began as a cyberspace friendship between 67-year-old McGann in Texas and 64-year-old Ray McGann in England, ended - you guessed it - in marriage.

"I think people that meet and court online know each other so much better than conventional dating could ever make possible," says McGann.

Forget about chance encounters in the park. Seniors are in cyberspace. They are the fastest growing group of Internet users. And a million Americans 65 and older are now dating online.

Ron Geraci, who tracks senior romance and teaches a how-to Internet dating class at New York's 92nd street Y, says online dating has matured.

"Sites are quickly embracing the 55-plus category because A) There are so many of them, and B) They pay their bills," says Geraci, editor of AARP magazine.

At, one of the nation's largest online dating sites, where everything - even office names - is about romance, senior memberships have tripled in five years.

Asked what's different between seniors' profiles and someone in their 20s, senior engineer Shawn Henderson says: "In the seniors they're a lot more honest about their shape, their size, what they're interested in."

Re-entering the singles scene after divorce or a spouse's death is not easy.

And not every first date lives up to its online promise.

How it all turns out, of course, has nothing to do with cyber circuits, as McGanns can attest to.

"We talked about his oil paintings, and I mean really it was nothing more than that," says McGann. "Then all of a sudden, things just kind of changed."

It seems people are simply wired for love, at any age.

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