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Schwarzenegger's Back On DVD

On Monday, governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger will take office in California.

While Hollywood will be taking a back seat to Sacramento for a while, two new DVDs have arrived to help tide us over.

Jess Cagle, entertainment contributor and People magazine senior editor, has all the details in The Early Show's Home Theater segment.

Schwarzenegger has starred in more than 25 films, and even though his box office appeal may have dwindled in the U.S. these last few years, he is still one of Hollywood's most consistently successful actors on home video. This week, the two films that have bookended his career were released; they illustrate just how far he has come.

People may be amazed that the former bodybuilder grew up to become a major movie star and governor of California. But if you look closely at the 1977 documentary "Pumping Iron," you can the seeds of his success -- his ambition and his charm.

"Pumping Iron" shows Schwarzenegger as he closes in on his sixth Mr. Olympia title. On the 25th anniversary DVD he reflects on the impact the film has had on his career

Twenty-six years later, at the age of 55, Schwarzenegger reportedly received his highest salary to date, $30 million, for starring in his signature role in "Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines." While the film probably won't be making a lot of headlines around Oscar time, it did make an impressive $427 million at the worldwide box office.

"Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines" DVD includes new footage and a behind-the-scenes documentary.

Schwarzenegger has vowed to put his acting career on hold during his political term. After that, it's either Hollywood again, or maybe his next role will be "Mr. Schwarzenegger Goes to Washington."

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