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Sarah Palin: Criticism is a "Bunch of B.S."

(FOX News Channel)
In a lengthy first interview in her new job as a Fox News commentator, Sarah Palin spoke with the "big man on campus," Bill O'Reilly, dismissing criticism of her during the presidential campaign.

During an interview with "60 Minutes" one of the authors of "Game Change" said she didn't know why there are two Koreas, that she thought Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and that she couldn't explain who her son would fight when he was deployed to Iraq.

Her response?

"It's a bunch of B.S. from [former McCain campaign advisor Steve] Schmidt and from some of those," Palin said, adding that her not knowing why there were two Koreas was "a lie."

O'Reilly told her that the new job gave her a platform to refute reports from programs like "60 Minutes" as well as clear up a public perception that she was "not that smart."

Palin started out her new gig in punditry by asserting that the Obama administration was "sinking."

"It was just a matter of time before more of that reflection of the people's uncomfortableness that they feel towards this administration is manifesting in these poll numbers," Palin said.

O'Reilly asked Palin why she is attacked so much in the press. "They don't like the message and common sense conservative solutions," she said. The host also asked Palin if she and her running mate Sen. John McCain could have done a better job in bringing down the unemployment numbers than the Obama administration. She said it's best that "government get out of the way of the private sector," but didn't offer any specific advice.

O'Reilly asked Palin if the U.S. should attack Iran if the country doesn't get in line with its nuclear activities. She said that the U.S. should "adhere to sanctions and threat," and any attack is a last resort. "I'd like to see the Obama administration willing to do anything to be done to protect the American people, and we want to know that," she added.

After Palin's appearance, Alan Colmes spoke with O'Reilly about her interview.

Colmes said it was possible that Palin didn't know some of the issues that Schmidt discussed.

"She's not a real policy person," Colmes said. "Is all of a sudden Steve Schmidt is a liar?"

Palin will "host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time" on the conservative news channel. Fox says she has a "multi-year deal" to appear on the network, though terms were not disclosed.

Read more on "Game Change:"

"60 Minutes:" Revelations from the Campaign
Watch the Full "60 Minutes" Report
"Game Change" Dissects Obama, Edwards, Palin and Clinton
McCain Brushes Off Palin Vetting Questions

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