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Ron Paul Celebrates Nevada Second

Ron Paul's fervent supporters have something to crow about: With nearly all precincts reporting, the Texas representative is sitting in second place in the Nevada caucuses.

Now, a few caveats. First off, it's a pretty distant second. Paul only got 14 percent of the vote, far behind Mitt Romney's 51 percent. Secondly, Paul barely edged out John McCain, who didn't campaign in Nevada, whereas Paul ran ads in the state. And third, Paul is not looking like a factor in South Carolina, where voters went to the polls today.

Still, second place is second place, and the Paul campaign is celebrating.

"Ron Paul has once again topped multiple media-anointed 'frontrunners' with his poll-defying second place showing in Nevada," Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder said in a statement. "We're in this race to win, and we're going to battle for every delegate in this wide-open race for the Republican nomination."

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