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"Robin Williams 2.0"

From comedy clubs to TV to film, Academy Award-winner Robin Williams has been making people laugh for more than years.

This holiday weekend marks the debut of his latest movie, a family comedy in which he teams with longtime friend John Travolta. "Old Dogs" features their misadventures when the business partners are suddenly they're charged with caring for seven-year-old twins.

They are, Williams tells "Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith, "old dogs. Very old dogs."

Smith harkened back to when Williams and Travolta were relative unknowns, in sitcoms that became big hits, Williams in "Mork and Mindy," and Travolta in "Welcome Back, Kotter."

Smith had a hard time keeping a straight face as Williams cracked one of his trademark quick jokes after another.

Williams even joked about his recent open heart surgery and stay in rehab.

They're topics of his new standup comedy act, some of which will be shown in an upcoming HBO special, "Weapons of Self-Destruction."

"I went to rehab in wine country," Williams quipped, "just to keep my options open!"

He had a valve replaced in his heart, and said the surgery went "really well. It went amazing."

"When I was younger," Williams added, "they used to say, 'Drugs can kill you.' Now that I'm 58, the doctor's going, 'You have to have drugs to live! And I realize my doctor's my dealer now, and a lot harder to get a hold of! And he's always giving you some free samples."

Williams observed, "It's good to be well, yes -- 'Me 2.0.' "

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