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Recalled Products Pose Ongoing Threat

The federal government says there are thousands of dangerous consumer products sitting in homes all across America. Plenty of those items are also for sale on the internet, at tag sales and sometimes in stores. They are all recalled products that have gone unnoticed, but pose a serious threat to unsuspecting consumers.

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CBS News Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen reported on "The Early Show" hundreds of products are recalled. But unfortunately many of those recalls fall through the cracks -- and can have deadly consequences.

Koeppen shared the story of Danny Keysar.

When the parents of 16-month-old Danny dropped him off at daycare, they had no idea he would lose his life to a dangerous product being used in the facility.

Linda Ginzel, Danny's mother, said, "I don't think any parent ever thinks that something like this is going to happen to their child."

Danny had been napping in the crib when the side collapsed, catching his neck, and suffocating him. As it turns out, that crib had been recalled five years earlier.

Linda said, "We really couldn't believe it, how such a deadly crib could be in a licensed daycare in the city of Chicago."

Koeppen pointed out every year the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issues nearly 500 recalls, involving millions of products.

Unfortunately, many consumers never get the message, leaving dangerous products lingering in homes or up for sale on the internet.

An undercover federal investigator who asked us not to show here face or give her name told CBS News she scans the internet on a daily basis, looking for recalled items.

"If it is one product, it's one too many," she said.

Selling a recalled product is against federal law. Last year alone, CPSC shut down nearly a thousand online auctions involving recalled items, but even with investigators cracking down on a daily basis, it's not hard to find dangerous items for sale.

In fact, Koeppen and her team found several recalled products, including a crib which was recalled several months ago and lawn darts that have been banned since 1988.

The federal investigator told Koeppen, "Unsuspecting consumers are purchasing or taking these products and they're recalled. The hazards could be from a cut to death."

To help consumers learn about recalls, manufacturers are now required to include registration cards with infant and toddler products like cribs and high chairs. If there's a recall, consumers will be personally notified. It's known as Danny's Law, named after little Danny Keysar.

Linda, Danny's mother said, "With his absence our family is never going to be complete. I guess that we have this cause instead of our son. This is his legacy"

Consumers are encouraged to fill out those registration cards as soon as they buy a product. You can also sign up for recall alerts at

Koeppen said on "The Early Show" if you're buying something online or at a resale shop or garage sale, you can go to the website and search for the product to see if it's been recalled.

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