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Rape Victims Incarcerated

Police say gang members held four teenage girls hostage for two weeks in a Detroit house while as many as 10 people raped them, reports CBS News Correspondent Drew Levinson.

It didn't end until one of the girls escaped. The Laotian-American victims say the boys lured them from Wisconsin to Detroit with promises of a party for the Hmong New Year.

"They were taken there because of the fact they were going to sexually assault them," says Detroit Police Cmdr. Dennis Richardson.

A 20-year-old and four juveniles are being held on $1 million bond. The adult is in jail and the teenage boys are in a juvenile detention center.

But something else has caused an outrage here: for six days the girls were also confined inside the same detention center as the boys. In fact, one of them saw one of her alleged attackers during a fire drill.

Emily Norton of Common Ground Sanctuary, a group that counsels young crime victims, says once the girls were incarcerated, they were treated just like the other inmates at the detention center.

"They weren't allowed to talk," says Norton. "They were scrubbing walls. I know for sure that the person we have been advocating for had to have her hair cut, which was just another assault to her body."

Tony Rothschild, also of Common Ground, says, "This is the worst case of treating a victim I've seen in my 30 years of social work."

In an emergency hearing Tuesday, a judge ordered the girls moved to other sites. They're still being held against their will as material witnesses.

Authorities want to make sure they testify at Friday's preliminary hearing.

"One has to keep in mind that if we are to hold accountable those people that did these outrageous acts to our victims, we have to be able to produce them in court," says Wayne County assistant prosecutor Doug Baker.

The father of one of the alleged victims says he just wants his daughter released and back home in Wisconsin.

"She misses us and she really, really wants to come home, and she's not a criminal. Why keep her over there for so long?"

Norton expresses concern that this incident might cause other women not to come forward and report a rape.

"I guess this is going to send a message of how scary it is that in the name of protecting the testimony, which I understand has to happen, to know that people can be re-victimized like this. I think the potential is there that people could be afraid to say their story."

The girls will be allowed to go home once they testify -- though they may have to return for a trial.

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