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Rain, Rain Go Away!

In much of America, singing in the rain means singing the blues.

CBS News Correspondent Mark Strassmann talked to several East Coast residents who are longing for clear skies and sunny days.

"I think if it doesn't stop I'm going to have webbed feet soon," says one New York City pedestrian.

Many soggy-shoed residents say it feels like summer's been cancelled, washed out by spring's relentless rains.

And today was no different as states east of the Mississippi from Connecticut all the way down to coastal states along the Gulf of Mexico endured torrential rains.

In Charlotte, residents now wistfully recall their bout with drought.

"You know what they say, 'Be careful what you wish for,'" says Eric Thomas, a meteorologist at WBTV Charlotte. "And indeed, the rainfall has come in biblical proportions around here."

In city after city, weatherforcasters are advising local residents to build arks.

John Henderson, who peddles umbrellas outside in water-weary Washington, D.C., says lately his "overhead" has included a tax on his psyche.

"When it rains three days straight, you sort of fall into a bad mood," says Henderson.

Weather patterns affect biological patterns. These weeks of gray days now bring gray moods, and worse."

"You find there are people who are really suffering this year from depression that never suffered from it before," says Dr. Norman Sussman, a depression specialist.

Also suffering is worker productivity.

"I had a lot of meetings to do and a lot of things to do today," says one New York resident. "I had no motivation to get there and do it."

Meteorologists in most places are forcasting a break in the rain for the coming week-end, with the hopes that sunnier skies will also bring sunnier moods for water-logged East Coast residents.

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