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Radiolab's "Symmetry" is a beautiful mix of art and poetry

(CBS) - Have I ever mentioned how much I love Radiolab? No? Well, I truly LOVE Radiolab!

They have come out with a beautiful new video on conjunction with Everynone entitled "Symmetry" that is a mixture of poetry, art, music, philosophy and so much more (as all of their videos tend to be). Watch and see what I mean in the above video.

In the video they show two very different, often oppositional, images that depict a duality and (obviously) symmetry to life.  It's poignant, beautiful and, dare I say, important - something every person should watch and think about it, in my opinion.

Radiolab previously blew me away with their video "Words", which I'm including below for those who haven't seen it before. And if you love their work as much I do, you can see more of it by clicking HERE.

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