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Race Heating Up In Frozen Iowa

The heat is on in frozen Iowa.

"After eight years of incompetence, they don't want false hopes - they want real results. That's the way we'll get back on the right track," said Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., on the campaign trail.

Among the Democratic leaders, the race is a toss-up. Residents of Iowa are aware that four years ago John Kerry closed a huge gap in polls in one month. Monday, Clinton went on the offense, CBS News anchor Harry Smith reports for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.

"I don't think people want a lot of talk about change," Clinton said. "I think they want someone with a real record, a doer, not a talker."

Even though the Des Moines register says he's in the lead, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., could barely break a smile.

"Listen, when everybody said I was a washed-up has-been - I didn't pay attention then, and I don't pay attention to this," Obama said.

Clinton is paying attention though to her support among women. One poll shows it's faltering.

But the man of the hour is Arkansas's former governor Mike Huckabee. Huckabee is an ordained Baptist minister and has connected big-time with evangelical Christians, the most powerful force among Iowa Republicans.

"Having been a pastor, it helped shape me in understanding the real issues that people face because nobody sees humanity up front and closer than does a pastor," Huckabee told The Early Show.

Huckabee is driving home the message he's a Christian leader - a not-so-subtle reminder that his opponent Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

"I'm not running for pastor in chief. I'm running for commander in chief," Romney said.

Iowa voters are notorious late deciders. And they're fickle, too.

With 31 days to go, and half the voters undecided, the fun has just begun.

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