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Big news (at least, if you're a journalist): The folks behind the Pulitzer Prize said today that, starting in 2006, newspapers can submit online material for consideration "in all 14 of its journalism categories," according to a press release.

Here's a quote from Pulitzer administrator Sig Gissler: "The Board believes it has taken a significant step in recognition of the widening role of online journalism at newspapers. The Board will continue to watch the evolution of this medium."

CBS News and remain ineligible, since the Pulitzers continue to be limited to newspapers alone. But one strong candidate would be the New Orleans Times Picayune and for their Katrina coverage – blogger Rex Hammock, among others, has called for them to receive the award.

As for a Pulitzer for best blog, we're not there yet, but Kevin at Lakeshore Laments says "it could happen." He adds: "Give it time. They seem prime to do it within the next decade."

In September, Jeff Jarvis wrote in the Guardian that he agreed with Hammock, and added the following:

It doesn't matter whether the work came rolling off a press or a blog: it is journalism of the highest calibre and greatest service. The Pulitzer committee would serve journalism well by separating the content from the container, the medium from the message, and recognising great reporting wherever and however and from whomever it comes, with or without a press.
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