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President Obama's Schedule Today

President Obama today "will join hundreds of Congressional family members and five national nonprofit organizations at Fort McNair to prepare 15,000 backpacks with books, healthy snacks, Frisbees and other items for the children of servicemen and women," according to the White House.

Later in the day, he will meet with a small group of members of Congress to discuss immigration. "The meeting is intended to launch a policy conversation by having an honest discussion about the issues and identifying areas of agreement and areas where we still have work to do, with the hope of beginning the debate in earnest later this year," said the White House.

President Obama will also receive President Obamaial Daily Briefing and the Economic Daily Briefing in the Oval Office, and meet separately with Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and senior advisors.

In the evening, President Obama and first lady will host a luau on the South Lawn for members of Congress and their families.

Here is more from the White House press office (all times Eastern):

9:00AM President Obama and Vice President Biden receive President Obamaial Daily Briefing

9:20AM President Obama and Vice President Biden receive the Economic Daily Briefing

10:00AM President Obama and The First Lady participate in 'United We Serve' service event

2:00PM President Obama and Vice President Biden meet with members of Congress from both parties to discuss immigration

3:15PM President Obama meets with Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner

4:00PM President Obama meets with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

4:30PM President Obama meets with senior advisors

6:30PM President Obama, The First Lady, and Vice President Biden host a luau for members of Congress and their families

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