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President Obama's Schedule Today (12/8/09)

In the morning, President Obama and Vice President Biden will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing and the Economic Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. The president will then meet with senior advisers in the Oval Office.

Later, Mr. Obama will deliver remarks on the economy at the Brookings Institution.

In the afternoon, the president and the vice president will have lunch in the Private Dining Room. They will later meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.

Here's the Full Schedule from the White House (all times Eastern):

9:30AM: President Obama and Vice President Biden receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00AM: President Obama and Vice President Biden receive the Economic Daily Briefing

10:30AM: President Obama meets with senior advisors

11:15AM: President Obama delivers remarks on the economy

12:10PM: President Obama and Vice President Biden have lunch

1:15PM: President Obama and Vice President Biden meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

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