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Post-Rapture cleanup, @OldManSearch, and James Tate goes to prom: Memes of the Week

David Copperfield does Operation: Rapture Know Your Meme

Presented by Cheezburger

Post-Rapture Round-up Last week's rapture predictions brought out the trolls with "rapture bombing," the practice of leaving clothes on the ground to appear as if someone was teleported away to spend eternity in the nude. When May 21st came and went, the jokes came flooding in. On eBay, someone offered a $100,000 post-Rapture insurance for one's family members that weren't good enough to be saved. On Craigslist, NY apartment seekers posted bulletins asking the believers to sublet their apartments after Rapture. Others also argued that the recently deceased Randy Savage thwarted God's plans with a flying elbow wrestling move.

Meanwhile, Harold Camping of Family Radio now claims that May 21 was "an invisible judgment day," and that the world will still come to an end on October 21 this year.

KYM entry links: May 21st Rapture Hoax / Rapture Bombing

Randy Savage & Rapture:

Anonymous' Operation Payback strikes back with a new target: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Last week, the nebulous group of Internet users known as "Anonymous" sent out the message to attack the United States Chamber of Commerce for backing the Protect IP bill. The proposed piece of legislation would give the Justice Department new powers to shut down access to any websites they suspected of violating copyright. The bill has passed unanimously in the Senate Judiciary Committee, but has been placed on hold by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR).

KYM entry link:

Notables: Anonymous image:

What is Operation Payback? video:

Instagram Quote Rebuttal Instagram Quote Rebuttal is an emerging art of poking fun at sentimental, vintage-looking postcards made with mobile camera apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic. Also known as "hipster edits," it typically involves revising the original quote (ex: "YOU MET ME IN A VERY STRANGE TIME IN MY LIFE") in the image by adding snarky, hard-boiled commentaries in red text (ex: "IT WAS BEFORE I LEARNED HOW TO USE PREPOSITIONS").

KYM entry link:

Notables: Example #1 / Example #2 / Example #3

James Tate's sweet prom message almost got him banned Flickr

"Let James Tate Go To The Prom" "Let James Tate Go To The Prom" is a Facebook support group for a Connecticut high school student who was banned earlier this month from attending the senior prom. The reason? Because he asked out his date with a super-sized cardboard sign on the wall of the gym and the administrators were not so amused by it. But with nearly 200,000 supporters behind Tate --including a state legislator and Texans' quarterback Dan Orlovsky -- the school officials reversed their decision last week, and Tate will able to attend the prom with dream date on June. What's next for the Facebook group? Making James Tate the prom king.

KYM entry link:

On Twitter: N. Norman (@oldmansearch) is the name of a mysterious Twitter user who is apparently a 91-year-old man. According to the profile description, the account was set up by Norman's son who tricked his father into thinking that "Twitter was how to search things on Google." Needless to say, Norman has been tweeting his Google search queries the whole time.

KYM entry link:

Meanwhile in Japan: Maru the Cat Turns Three - Maru, the Internet's most beloved feline celebrity, turned three on Tuesday, and his owner uploaded a compilation video of some of his more endearing moments to celebrate. The male Scottish Fold cat lives in Japan, and is most famous for starring in viral videos where he jumps and slides into various boxes.

KYM entry link:

Maru image:

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