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"Porn And Pancakes"

Tonight, Daniel Sieberg continues his series on online addiction, with a hard look at things hard core. Specifically, pornography. Writes Sieberg, over at Tech Talk:

You can argue that some porn isn't bad, or that everyone has the responsibility to make their own choice in the matter. Some couples say it's a healthy part of their relationship. But one "virtual ministry" called thinks online porn is a slippery slope and can quickly spiral out of control and lead to dissolved marriages, debt or worse. Its founder, youth pastor Craig Gross, started the movement as a way to reach out to Christians and others to say it's OK to open up about being addicted to porn. And it's a necessary first step before finding counseling or other recovery methods.

One of their most popular events is called "Porn and Pancakes." It's part of Gross's traveling roadshow, which goes to various churches around the country. He uses his skills as a pastor combined with slick video presentations to hammer home what he sees are the ills of porn. He also has a former porn producer in attendance who discusses why he left the smut industry to join the movement. At some college events Gross even debates porn star Ron Jeremy.

Wander over to Tech Talk for the rest of the story. And behave.
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