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Podcasts Alarm Traditional Radio

Meet the Lascivious Biddies.

In the last few months, this quirky, unconventional band has struck a chord with thousands of new fans, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi.

And Adam Curry and a new medium he helped create is the reason why.

He is a former MTV VJ and the pioneer of Podcasting.

Anyone with a microphone and a message can follow in his footsteps and record their own show from anywhere.

"We're gonna start our walking tour of South Beach," Curry said.

No studio required. Ignore the stares.

"Do you ever feel totally crazy just walking down the street?" Alfonsi asked him.

"Totally, totally," he replied.

The show he just recorded is posted onto the Web, where, using the software Curry helped develop, anyone can transfer it to an IPOD or an MP3 player and listen whenever or wherever they want.

"It is talkies for the Web. It's a total upgrade from where we were," he said.

How quickly has this taken off? There are already thousands of Podcasts.

"Are they professional broadcasters? No that's what makes it's so beautiful," Curry said.

Beautiful to everyone, except perhaps, the "professional." Podcasting threatens to turn traditional radio on its ear.

"You can wring your hands out about what's going to happen or you can get on board for the wild ride," said Bob Garfield, radio host of On The Media.

Which is what the WNYC Radio Host is doing. In addition to broadcasting his show he's now pod-casting it, hoping to pull in more listeners. For Curry it's music to his ears.

"Is this the future?" Curry asked. "I think we're just scratching the tip of the iceberg."

He's seen the power of the new technology. After he featured the Lascivious Biddies on his show the group's CD sales skyrocketed.

"This is music that has no record deal," he said.

"Now we can reach everybody, you know, all four corners of the globe," said Lascivious Biddy Amanda Monaco.

The Biddies are now singing the praises of pod-casting -- a revolution for anyone that just wants to be heard.

"I want to be famous!" shouted Monaco.

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