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Phila. criminals allegedly disguised as Muslim women, Muslim group offers reward

Suspect in a Philadelphia bank robbery was said to be disguised in the traditional dress of Muslim women CBSPhilly

(CBS) PHILADELPHIA - Members of Philadelphia's Muslim community are offering a $20,000 reward to help solve two violent crimes by suspects disguised in the traditional garb of Muslim women.

The reward was announced Tuesday at City Hall for information leading to arrests in a murder in Upper Darby, Pa. last week and a bank robbery in the city limits, CBSPhilly reports.

Local Muslim leaders say the criminals' m.o. puts Muslims in harm's way.

"They put our women in danger of being of being stereotyped, victimized and ostracized by society," said Iman Isa Abdul Mateen, who is with the Majlis Ash'shura of Philadelphia, a Muslim advisory council.  "Such cowardly, repugnant criminals are a plague upon Philadelphia."

"For cowards to dress up as women and perpetrate a crime is absolutely wrong," added 4th District Councilman Curtis Jones.

District Attorney Seth Williams is asking citizens to step forward.

"Give us information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the cowards that dress as women in garb in a way that helps them commit their evil crimes," said Williams, according to CBSPhilly.

Anyone with information is urged to call the Majlis Ash'shura at 215-474-0726.

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