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Pennsylvania Primary: Turnout "Abysmal" in Philadelphia

Some updates on the key primary votes going on today:

  • Democrats and Republicans say their early canvassing returns in Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district show a very tight race, and that makes Republicans more anxious than Democrats.
  • Turnout, according to Democrats, is "abysmal" in Philadelphia, which is difficult news for Sen. Arlen Specter. Right now, Mayor Michael Nutter and Gov. Ed Rendell are doing the TV/Radio rounds to try and open the floodgates.
  • At this point, both sides believe that Blanche Lincoln won't have enough votes to avoid a run-off in Arkansas. The Associated Press seems to be doing a better job of finding Bill Halter voters to quote, but that could be a function of their activist disposition.
  • No one is seeing anything in Kentucky that would change minds about the expected outcome on the Republican side of the ledger in favor of Rand Paul.

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The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder is CBS News' chief political consultant. You can read more of his posts in Hotsheet here. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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