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Parents Turn to Personal Trainers to Help Kids Fight Childhood Obesity


(CBS)With childhood obesity on the rise, parents are looking for new ways to keep their kids active. Now, more kids are getting some one-on-one fitness time from personal trainers to get in shape and get their weight under control.

CBS News correspondent Terrell Brown reported Dyson Dunkle is only 10 years old, but he's already working with a personal trainer.

Dyson said, "I'm slightly overweight, and I want to ... get more active."

With childhood obesity skyrocketing, Dyson is part of a growing trend. Parents are paying as much as $75 an hour for personal training sessions. Some children as young as 3 are getting trainers, Brown said.

Dyson is 5 feet 3 inches tall and already 160 pounds. That prompted his father to get help.

David Birnbaum, Dyson's father, told CBS News, "it's just not healthy for a kid to have that kind of weight at his age, even though he is tall."

Brown noted keeping the weight off early also has its benefits down the road, reducing the risk of adult diabetes and heart disease.

But doctors stress children need to be careful about their exercise routine.

It's not all about lifting heavy weights.

Mike Shaw, of New York Personal Training, says kids' bones and tendons aren't fully developed enough to handle too much weight.

For Dyson, Jumping Jacks, pushups, and sit ups are a big part of his workout.

Dyson said, "This really makes me feel better because I'm active and this suits me perfectly."

His dad hopes Dyson will lose weight and gain self esteem.

Birnbaum said, "Ultimately we want Dyson to be strong and happy with his body and his weight."

And doctors say the earlier kids learn to eat well and exercise, the healthier they'll be when they get older.

Brown added that experts say parents should make sure their children are working with an experienced, certified trainer who is knowledgeable about exercise routines designed especially for children.

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