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Online Help For The Unfaithful

If you are looking for love in all the wrong places, and are married, for better or worse the Internet can help you on several fronts.

As CBS News' The Early Show reports, if you need an excuse for your affair, don't worry a whole story can be had - for a price of course.

There are also Web sites in place that offer a support network to help spouses change their errant ways. And for those who'd like to have a "virtual affair," help is online, too!

Ace Alibi was created to provide credible cover stories for those extramarital moments. The "fib fee" starts at $25 and rises in scale depending on just how many elements are included in the cover story. Ace Alibi offers phony receipts, fake business conferences and invitations to events that don't exist.

Explains Ace Alibi's Ronnie Brock from London, the motto is: "If you want to swing, give us a ring." He claims his service protects the family as it serves to prevent breakups.

Since launching six months ago in the United Kingdom, there have been more than 2,000 customer inquiries from around the world. The European base works to the advantage of business travelers.

Say you sign up and tell your spouse you are flying to Europe for a convention. Ace provides the intended cheat an overseas phone number. When the spouse calls, someone from Ace answers and later calls the Ace client with the message from his or her partner.

The flip side of this is the Infidelity Support Network. As per its Web site, the goal is "to supply users with the support, direction, advice and friendship to help you take control of your life, and become a stronger person."

The Infidelity Support Network states that out of the 65 million married couples in the United States, 65 percent have spouses who are having or who have had an extramarital affair.

The network looks to offer "a wealth of services, help and advice - plus a place where victims can seek the advice of experts and chat with others going through the pain of infidelity."

The Web with its wide array of chat rooms has been hosting cyber affairs for the last few years. These virtual affairs have become almost as popular as the hotel room variety.

The Center for On-Line Addiction provides a step-by-step guide and workbook designed for couples to rebuild a relationship in the wake of a cyber affair. The guide offers signs of a cyber affair, steps to avoid enabling a cyber affair and pointeres on how to repair the broken trust.


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