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Old Enough to Crawl, Old Enough to Click

It's for babies as young as nine months. Knowledge Adventure's Jennifer Johnson says they are calling it lap-ware...

"Meaning that it's intended to be used with the child on the parent's lap. So parents are encouraged to play a really active role in their child's first computer experience. There's lots of opportunities for parents to communicate and interact. There's lots of language opportunities, lots of cues for parents to point and explain things to children and bring their own personality into this. So any key press or mouse click will cause some sort of positive response, so there's no frustraton factor. It's really designed to be simply and easily used by babies along with their parents."

They advise keeping a wipe or bib handy or perhaps covering the keyboard with plastic wrap. Knowledge Adventure has had Jumpstart Toddlers on the market for a couple of years...

"And it's been extremely popular with our parents and that is designed for children ages 18 months to 3 years old."

Is JumpStart Baby pushing things a little too much? That's for moms and dads to decide. It runs on Windows and Macs and will sell for about thirty dollars.

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