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'Of Course Senator Reid Spoke To Governor Of Illinois'

Nobody really wants their names associated with Blago wiretaps, but Harry Reid's office is making it clear that the Senate majority leader talking to the governor about an appointment was, well, a pretty normal thing.

The Chicago Sun-Times first reported this morning that Reid made calls in early December to Blagojevich, and portions of those phone calls may have been taped.

Here's Reid spokesman Jim Manley's response:

"Of course Senator Reid spoke to the governor of Illinois -- just as he spoke to the governors of New York and Colorado when senators from those states accepted jobs in the new administration," Manley said. "It is part of his job as Majority Leader to share his thoughts about candidates who have the qualities needed to succeed in the Senate." 

Reid's office has not responded to the letter Burris' lawyer sent to Reid, first reported by Politico's Ben Smith this morning.

The Blago-Burris controversy will come to a head Tuesday when Burris shows up at the Capitol in an attempt to have his Senate appointment certified.

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