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Observing The 'Forgotten War'

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The Korean War erupted on June 25, 1950, and for half a year the rapid thrusts of combat raged up and down the peninsula. The fighting settled into 2-1/2 years of trench warfare before a truce was signed, creating the two Korean nations.


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face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=1> face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=1>More than 50 years ago the
Korean Peninsula split into the communist North and the U.S.-backed
South. Following decades of war and political bickering the two
sides finally have agreed to build a new

src="164822.gif" width=200>

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>CBS
href="209357.story">America Remembers Korea

Vice President Al Gore says he hopes by the 50th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, North and South Korea will have reunified and the Korean War will be over officially.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="209340.story">S. Korea Marks War's Anniversary

There was less sword-rattling than usual at South Korea's commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, but the country's president says it's still not time to relax.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="207276.story">Remembering The Forgotten War's Gary Paul Gates explores why so few people remember Korea - the battleground between the horrors of World War II Europe and the atrocities of Vietnam.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="207675.story">A Back And Forth Battle

The Korean War, the first conflict of the Cold War, was a grueling, three-year battle in which Communist forces and United Nations troops traded territory and millions died.'s Jarrett Murphy takes a historical look at the war.

href="208505.story">Ike's Korean Shadow

One political outcome of the Korean War was that it helped propel Dwight Eisenhower into the White House.'s Ray Bassett looks at Ike, Korea, and how both impacted the rest of the Cold War at home.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="208798.story">Vet Recounts Forgotten War

CBS News Anchor Dan Rather talks to Korean War vet and author James Brady about a forgotten conflict that cost nearly as many lives as Vietnam.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="204333.story">Korea Discovers War Remains

Forensic experts for the U.S. military are examining bones found in Korea which may be those of an American soldier killed during the Korean war.

href="202741.story">How Many Americans Died In Korea?

As the 50th anniversary of the start of the Korean War is being observed, one key statistic is being reclarified - the one detailing just how many Americans were killed in the war.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>CBS
href="202826.story">Orders To Fire On Civilians?

CBS News has obtained exclusive evidence indicating that U.S. soldiers were ordered to fire on South Korean civilians in the early days of the Korean War.

face="arial, helvetica" size=1>AP
href="204658.story">World Applauds Korean Summit

North Korea and South Korea have signed an agreement to work toward eventual reunification. The historic pact also calls for reuniting thousands of families separated since the Korean War.

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