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Obama Today

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a weekend of big wins, Barack Obama plans to meet with former candidate John Edwards later today to discuss a possible endorsement. According to sources familiar with the campaign, Obama will travel to North Carolina tonight after a rally in Baltimore.

Obama campaign communications director Robert Gibbs would not comment on the story, but said that Obama welcomes everyone's support.

"Senator Edwards has been a tireless voice for change and working families," Gibbs said.

On Sunday, Obama won the Maine caucuses, which brings his delegate total to 1,134, according to a CBS News estimates, 3 delegates ahead of Hillary Clinton. However, despite the wins this weekend, the campaign is being careful not to portray Obama as a frontrunner.

"While Obama's victories demonstrate his broad national appeal, he still faces an uphill battle in every upcoming contest because the Clintons are far better known and have a political machine that's been honed over two decades," campaign manager David Plouffe, wrote in an e-ail to supporters.

Obama continues to campaign in the Chesapeake primary states today, spending most of his day in Maryland. He had a scheduled event in Roanoke, Virginia which was canceled late Sunday because of the weather conditions in the area.

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