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Obama Talks With Clinton, Lieberman

Outside the Capitol this morning, Sen. Barack Obama was asked by reporters if he was disappointed by the tone of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s non-concession speech last night.

His answer: “I thought Sen. Clinton, after a long-fought campaign, was understandably focused on her supporters . . . . I just spoke to her today, and we are going to be having a conversation in the coming weeks. I am very confident about how unified the Democratic Party is going to be to win in November.”

Asked whether Clinton had given him any indication that she’d be dropping out of the race, Obama said: “It wasn’t a detailed conversation.”

Before stopping to talk to reporters, Obama did a victory lap through the Senate, where he was treated to the hero's welcome from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

Looking to mend fences, Obama greeted many Clinton supporters enthusiastically, including a vigorous handshake with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and a kiss on the cheek for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
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