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Obama Stops By U.S. Capitol ... Just To Say "Hello"

Jill Jackson is a Capitol Hill field producer for CBS News.

Sen. Barack Obama stepped into a swarm of superdelegates this morning when he visited the House of Representatives in the middle of a vote. Obama stayed on the floor for almost half an hour visiting with both Democrats and Republicans who looked completely star struck.

Even Speaker Nancy Pelosi left her weekly press briefing and made a beeline for the House floor to say hello. And the Capitol Hill press corps surrounded the House Chamber to catch him on his way out and fire questions about such an unusual move for a presidential candidate, even if he is a senator.

"I wasn't campaigning, I was just saying hello to everybody," Obama said.

He also said he wanted to make clear that he was available to answer any questions the undecideds might have and reassure members of the Democratic Party as well.

"Obviously people have been anxious about some of the sense of division in the party," Obama said. "I just wanted to ensure them that whatever happens, we will be coming together."

Obama also admitted that Clinton has the upper hand in West Virginia and Kentucky and will "likely win" those states. When asked if Obama would consider Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running mate, Obama said it's still too early to make that call because he "doesn't know who the nominee is going to be."

After passing through the Capitol Rotunda to the Senate side and exhanging words with some tourists from Illinois, Obama and his secret service were finally able to ditch the scrum. He hopped in an elevator to continue his day of wooing superdelegates in Washington before he gets back to the campaign trail.

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