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Obama Speaks to Smaller Audience - For a Change

From CBS News' Maria Gavrilovic:

NELSONVILLE, OHIO -- With just two days left until the Ohio primary, Barack Obama took a break from his usual campaign stops - speaking to thousands at rallies - and hosted a small town hall meeting focusing on "green jobs."

Obama campaign spokesperson, Jen Psaki, said the campaign's priority is to familiarize Ohio voters with Obama's policies.

"We've had all these large rallies, including several in Ohio," Psaki said.

"The priority now is to talk to voters about jobs and the economy. One of the ways he feels we can renew our economy is by investing in green technology."

Obama spoke to mostly professors and local business owners at Hocking College this morning, emphasizing the need to strengthen the rural economy and the need to invest in green technology.

"Green jobs are the jobs of the future, not just because they pay well and can't be outsourced. And not just because they'll help strengthen our economy and lift up our middle class. But because they'll help reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and save this planet for our children," Obama said.

The campaign believes that the message on "green jobs" will resonate with voters in the Appalachia region of the state. The area has endured plant closures in the past several years and job loss. This was the first town hall meeting Obama has hosted since the onset of the campaign that focused on this specific issue.

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