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Obama Condemns Pastor's Controversial Statements

Writing on the Huffington Post, Barack Obama addressed the controversial remarks by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

"I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy," Obama writes. "I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it's on the campaign stump or in the pulpit. In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue."

Obama goes on to discuss his past relationship with Wright. "I first joined Trinity United Church of Christ nearly twenty years ago. I knew Rev. Wright as someone who served this nation with honor as a United States Marine, as a respected biblical scholar, and as someone who taught or lectured at seminaries across the country, from Union Theological Seminary to the University of Chicago. … Most importantly, Rev. Wright preached the gospel of Jesus, a gospel on which I base my life. In other words, he has never been my political advisor; he's been my pastor." You can read the entire post .

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